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Message from president

Message from President

Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I would like to introduce myself as Dr. Mushfiqur Rahman, the founder and president of this respected institution. It has been a long-term dream to open such a school in honour of my father and by the grace of Allah I have successfully been able to do so, and In Sha Allah the great institution will flourish and thrive in the future.

I believe this school will help many vulnerable and intelligent children achieve their full potential, allowing them not only to become knowledgeable in an Islamic sense, but also giving them an opportunity to pursue higher education abroad at respected schools such as Medina University, Al Azhar University etc. This school will focus on developing primarily gifted orphans to the best that they can be and allowing them to achieve possibilities that they could not have dreamed of previously. It is our mission to enable our students to become dedicated Muslims as well as effective contributors to society through the skills they gain.

Habibur Rahman International Arabic School (HRIAS), then, offers a meticulous and richly faceted holistic approach to the education of the students in our charge with a strong focus on Islam. It is this approach that makes the experience truly a school experience like no other.

Dr. Mushfiqur Rahman

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