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Message from principal

Message from Principal ​

Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

A warm welcome to Habibur Rahman International Arabic School.

We aim to establish an Islamic environment that will provide the means to be successful in the hereafter, whilst at the same time preparing our students to meet the demands of adult life in this Dunya (life). It is our endeavour to develop a welcoming environment that provides excellent opportunities for our students so that they can thrive in all aspects of life.

We teach a wide variety of subjects that are being delivered by highly qualified and experienced teachers to place our students on the path to success, this includes a compulsory commitment to memorising the Qu’ran (Hifz). It is paramount to us that we provide education within an Islamic context therefore, alongside this we will teach to name a few, Mathematics, English, Computer Science, Arabic etc. which help pupils to acquire the right attitude to work, and above all, to equip them with skills. In addition to this, the concept of higher education is very important to us, we strive to ensure all our students pursue university education abroad at respected Islamic schools such as Medina University, Al Azhar Univeristy etc. to levels as high as PhD, where they can continue to develop their talents in an Islamic environment.

Each pupil is expected to play a responsible role in school life and will receive the attention of professional teaching staff that will nurture students to excel in a variety of fields. With the help of Allah, we hope to make Habibur Rahman International Arabic a place of learning where an excellence in education and piety can be achieved.

Dr. Mohammad Alghababsheh

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