+(44) 7383994329, +(88) 01753837613

Our projects

We have a vision to expand to humanitarian projects beyond just a school; We arrange means to provide Zakaat as well as Sadaqah to those that require this aid through our organisation. In addition to this, In Sha Allah, we aim to begin treatment of the blind at clinics in the near future. We have already planted over 5000 trees in the name of our project as well as this we have contributed to the construction of our local Mosque, through the provision of financial aid. A stable water supply has been successfully established in our local rural village for the use of the needy. Further to this, we have a goal of providing opportunities to vulnerable orphans, particularly girls, through the future establishment of the Meherun Nessa Islamic Institute for girls.

Perhaps our largest project is the building of our hotel that regularly provides food for those in need. Finally, we aim to establish scholarships for talented people with lack of opportunity to study abroad and pursue higher education in Islamic settings.

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